QconCAT – absolute protein quantification
Individually produced QconCAT reference standards, custom-made for each project and available as heavy-labelled protein with the label of your choice. Select the purification grade of your QconCAT, depending on your needs.
Available Products

QconCAT - Crude
Product Code: PQ-CE-1
Custom-made QconCAT
crude extract
absolutely quantified
Available as unlabeled protein or as heavy isotope-labeled protein (e.g. 15N, 13C Arg/Lys, 13C, 15N Arg/Lys).
Most suitable for initial exploratory analyses. Available only for small QconCATs (<50 kDa),
Delivered in denaturing buffer.

QconCAT - Superior
Product Code: PQ-HQ-1
Custom-made QconCAT
purified protein
dialysed to appropriate storage buffer
absolutely quantified
Available as unlabeled protein or as heavy isotope-labeled protein (e.g. 15N, 13C Arg/Lys, 13C, 15N Arg/Lys).
Recommended for routine and high throughput analyses.
Delivered in individually determined storage buffer.
Each QconCAT is quality controlled via SDS-PAGE (purity) and LC-MS/MS (identity, labelling efficiency, quantity).
Delivery costs depend on destination and packaging. Bioinformatic support for data analysis is available upon request.
How to order
Absolute protein quantification made easy
QconCATs (Quantification conCATamer) are custom-made synthetic proteins, usually comprising of up to 50 heavy isotope-labelled proteotypic peptides, functioning as true internal standards for protein quantification using mass spectrometry.
Save time and resources
Skip time-consuming preparation of peptide mixes and spike your analyte sample with up to 50 reference peptides in a single pipetting step.
Simplify large-scale analyses
Quantify whole proteomes in a single experiment using several QconCATs
Individually produced
Receive custom-made isotope-labelled QconCAT proteins, based on a detailed analysis of your requirements
Production of large amounts of QconCAT for high throughput analyses
Compare data between laboratories and instruments
Internal control
Minimize sample preparation bias by early addition of the internal standard
Our experienced team provides support from selection of proteotypic peptides to setting up your targeted method in Skyline.