Retention time standard for HPLC instrument calibration
RePLiCal comprises of unique, easy to detect peptides with selected chemical properties.
- High number of calibrant points, covering a broad range of RTs
- Stable RTs over long analysis times, allowing the prediction of RTs for other peptides in a timely manner
- Includes two highly hydrophilic peptides for testing of column trapping performance
RePLiCal – complete protein, 15N labeled, lyophilized
RePLiCal is a HPLC calibration standard that is buildt from 27 lysine-terminating calibrant peptides. The peptides do not contain methionine, tryptophan, cysteine, and N-terminal glutamine residues. Also aspartic acid-proline, asparagine-proline and asparagine-glycine motifs are absent. It can be applied to calibration of LC gradients and nano uHPLC instruments using trap-elute configurations, real-time scheduling of selected reaction monitoring (SRM) experiments and recalibration of the m/z scale of mass spectrometry (MS) data post-acquisition. Find more information in the original publication.
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